Uneven Floors in old or new house? Why and what to do next | Vancouver Special Solutions

April 3, 2024

Causes of uneven floors Structural issues / Foundation settlement One of the most common causes of uneven floors in an old house or new house, sagging, or sloping floors, is settlement.  Settlement is the process where a structure, like your home, sinks or settles into the ground. This occurs naturally, but oftentimes, homes settle too […]

Foundation cracks? Your guide to worry free solutions.

March 21, 2024

Have you noticed foundation cracks on your home? What are the odds that you’ve Googled it, just to be told that your home is sinking and it’s too late to fix the damage. Well, that is not always the case and foundation cracks are not always a sign to worry. 

Sunken Foundation: Will it sink again?

March 20, 2019

Sunken Foundation How To Solve: I hate to break it to you, but It’s not going to get better on its own Oftentimes when people find out that their home has a sunken foundation,  the instinct is to just watch and hope the problem goes away. And I get it – most people don’t want […]